God created the universe (Genesis 1:1). He created Adam and Eve in His likeness (Genesis 1:27). Adam and Eve disobeyed God. So have we. We are all broken people. We have all purposely turned away from God and His commandments. (Romans 3:23). We deserve eternal separation from God (Romans 6:23).

However in God’s great love He sent His Son Jesus. Jesus is the perfect God-man. He lived a sinless life. He amazed people with his wonders, miracles, and amazing love. Then the people He created nailed him to a cross. When Jesus was died He became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). He satisfied God’s wrath. He was buried and was raised on the third day. Forty days later He went back to heaven to sit at God’s right hand.

Now you can receive forgiveness, eternal life, and the gift of the Holy Spirit by trusting in Him alone to save us. You must recognize your sin for breaking God’s heart. You must let go of trusting any of your own good works (Ephesians 2:8-9). Turn to Him in faith alone to be saved. When you trust Jesus alone you are one of God’s children (John 1:12).

With Christ in your life you now can begin a new adventure with Him. We would love to help you on this journey.

Please contact Pastor Mike for more information on how to do so at mike@discipletogether.org.